A step by step guide to special needs planning

A Special Needs Planning Timeline: 9 Steps to a Sound Family Plan

Understand the Process is Different:

Traditional planning advice will not suffice for families with special needs children. Seek out professionals specializing in special needs planning to ensure you create an effective plan. Leaving your child’s future care to chance is not an option.

Decide on Future Guardians:

Consider who will care for your child if you are no longer able to. Choose guardians wisely and educate them about their responsibilities. Ensure your legal documents reflect this decision.

Understand Social Security and Other Supports:

Learn about Social Security, Medicaid, and other vital resources your child may rely on. Seek professional advice to maximize available benefits.

Create a Letter of Intent:

Document your child’s preferences, routines, medical history, and other essential information. This letter will guide future caregivers.

Set Up a Special Needs Trust (SNT): A crucial step in the special needs planning timeline.

An SNT ensures your child’s financial security without jeopardizing government benefits. Consider funding the SNT with permanent life insurance so your child can continue to receive care for HEMS (health, education, maintenance, and support). Consult an attorney experienced in special needs trusts.

Plan for Transition to Adulthood:

As your child approaches adulthood, consider vocational training, employment, housing, and social integration. Transition planning is critical.

Explore Government Programs and Waivers:

Research state-specific programs, waivers, and services available to individuals with disabilities. These can provide additional support.

Review and Update Regularly:

Life circumstances change, so revisit your plan periodically. Adjust as needed to accommodate new developments.

Involve Your Child in Decision-Making:

As your child grows, include them in discussions about their future. Their input matters.

Remember, this special needs planning timeline is a roadmap and will help your family plan in the evolving landscape. Seek professional guidance, collaborate with your child’s educators, and build a dedicated support network. You are not alone in this process.

If you are not sure what to do and need help, please reach out to Retirement Benefits Inc.  We would love to help you and your family feel at ease and know you have a plan in place.

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