picture of a key about to go into a lock.  It is a pun for key person cash value life insurance.

Key Person Life Insurance Using Cash Value Policies

As a business owner, you are well aware that your company’s success often hinges on the strength of its key personnel. These individuals drive innovation, foster client relationships, and keep the wheels turning. But what if one of them were to unexpectedly pass away? The loss could be devastating, both emotionally and financially.

Enter key person life insurance – a strategic solution that not only provides financial protection but also offers a unique twist: cash value policies. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of key person insurance, explore how cash value policies work, and discuss why they’re a game-changer for business owners.

What Is Key Person Life Insurance?

Key person life insurance (also known as key person insurance or key employee insurance) is a policy taken out by a business to protect against the financial impact of losing a critical team member. Here is how it works:


First, name the key individuals within your organization. These could be founders, top executives, or anyone whose absence would significantly affect the company’s operations.

Policy Purchase:

The business purchases life insurance policies on these key employees. The company pays the premiums and is the beneficiary.

Coverage Amount:

The coverage amount should reflect the financial loss the company would incur due to the key person’s death. It can cover expenses like recruitment costs, lost revenue, or debt repayment.

Tax Implications:

Premiums are typically not tax-deductible, but the death benefit is tax-free.

Cash Value Policies: A Unique Twist

Now, let’s focus on the cash value aspect. Traditional life insurance policies pay out only upon the insured’s death. However, cash value policies (such as whole life or indexed universal life) offer an added benefit: a savings part.

Here’s how it works:

Cash Accumulation: Part of the premium goes into a cash value account. Over time, this account accumulates value, like a savings account.

Tax-Advantaged Growth: The cash value grows tax-deferred. You can access it during your lifetime through withdrawals or loans.

Operating Cash: Business owners can borrow against the cash value to cover operating expenses, invest in growth opportunities, or weather financial storms. Unlike traditional loans, there’s no need for credit checks or lengthy approval processes.

Why Cash Value Policies Matter for Business Owners:

Liquidity: Need cash for payroll, expansion, or unexpected emergencies? Tap into the cash value without disrupting your business operations.

Collateral: The cash value can serve as collateral for business loans, providing more financial flexibility.

Retirement Planning: Business owners can use the cash value as a retirement supplement. It’s like having a personal safety net.

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